AccurateShooter.com | 6mmBR.com Advertising Options
The joint AccurateShooter.com and 6mmBR.com sites are open to Banner Advertising placements. The basic ad unit is a 468x60 pixel Banner (industry standard), costing just $100 per month, $300 per quarter, or $999 per year. That's about $3.33 per day to reach a targeted audience of serious shooters who buy premium goods and services. (We also offer a plan starting at $150/quarter.)
The site reaches 72,000+ unique users worldwide every week*. We average over 20,000 visits per day. In December 2009, we totaled over 585,132 visits for the month, and we delivered 3.44 MILLION pageviews (including our Forum). * Based on Google Analytics reports.
72,000+ Unique Users Per Week (Google Analytics Quantified) | Active Shooter, "Opinion Leader", 75% own 6 or More Guns. 63% spend more than $2,000 each year on Shooting Gear. |
SAMPLE 468x60 Banner Advertisement:
SAMPLE 300x250 Large Rectangle:
This format is the hottest unit on the internet right now, and is the favored format for Flash and Video Ads. It works very well on editorial pages, and two units can be placed side by side. Large Rectangle Ads typically generate higher click-through rates than conventional 468x60 banners. Ask about this new format and flash movies.
We offer 300x250 units on our home page and most of our editorial pages. |  |
SAMPLE WIDE Standard (600x60)
This is a new format showing proving very popular across the web. It's a PERFECT FIT for our page lay-outs, spanning the entire page.

SAMPLE GIANT Banner Advertisement (600x120).
The Giant Banner is a very effective, eye-catching placement. This works great as a page-topper on our home-page or a feature article. We also offer a 160x600 Vertical (Skyscraper) format.
Banner Ads will run on the home page, at the top of EVERY Message Board page, on the Gun on the Week page, Gun of the Week Archive, Article Archive, and in numerous other locations throughout the site (Our site has over 700 content pages). All Advertisers' Banner Ads will appear on a dedicated Sponsors Page. For tracking purposes, our ad server logs ad views, click-throughs, and CTR. We can deliver weekly or monthly reports on request.
PLAN A One 468x60 Banner
Price: $300/quarter or $999/year (20% off quarterly rate)
Guaranteed impressions: 1,000,000/year
Effective CPM: $1.00
Our highly-effective basic banner is an excellent value. Other shooting websites charge as much as $650.00 per quarter for the same size banner, while delivering half as many impressions.
This 468x60 banner links directly to your website. It can be a variety of media: JPEG, GIF, Animated GIF, Flash. (Note: We also have a "small business plan" for solo operators and gunsmiths, which delivers fewer impressions per month, at a lower base rate.)
PLAN B One 468x60 Banner PLUS One 300x250 Banner Price: $2000/year
Guaranteed Aggregate Impressions: 2,000,000/year
Effective CPM: $1.00
This is a two-unit plan that offers both a 468x60 standard banner, plus the highly effective and versatile new 300x250 format.

With this plan you get the basic banner, PLUS the high-performing 300x250 rectangle that appears on the home page and most popular editorial pages. The 300x250 banner can be used to host streaming flash video or other rich media.
PLAN C Shooters Forum Button Price: $300/month Estimated Impressions: 600,000/mo average, 500,000/mo guaranteed.
This plan gives you a dedicated (non-rotating) button on our Forum. Your button is visible ABOVE the fold on EVERY Page Load. Purchasing a Forum Button ensures that the most active and serious site users, Forum visitors, can reach your online store with just one click. Forum users are actively researching gun gear and eager to buy new products--you couldn't ask for a better audience. A maximum of six (6) 88x31 buttons are sold each month. This gives your company more than half a million impressions a month at a very low CPM--around $0.50 per thousand impressions. Button sponsors also receive a prominent link in our popular AccurateShooter Daily Bulletin.
PAYMENT METHOD You can pay by check, PayPal, or major credit card through PayPal. In some cases, we can also accept barter or product in trade. No refunds after ads commence running.
ARTWORK Requirement Just email your 468x60 Banner file to Mailbox@6mmBR.com. Maximum file size should be about 25 kb. We can display GIF, JPEG, PNG, and Flash files. Flash ads work great, produce a higher response rate, and can hold interactive (clickable) elements within the banner. If you don't have artwork, for $40-$80 (depending on time spent) we can create a GIF or JPEG banner for you (animation is extra). Here are ads we built for Baer Custom Rifles, MT Guns, Master Class Stocks, and Shadetree Engineering.

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We currently guarantee 1,000,000 impressions per year to each Tier One 468x60 banner advertiser, who pays $300/quarter or $999 per year. That's a Cost Per Thousand (CPM) of just $1.00, a great value. And in recent months, we have OVER-delivered on banner impressions, effectively reducing your net CPM. On average, we drive over 1500 visitors to each advertisers' site every quarter.
Another shooting website (call for details) charges $250 per MONTH for roughly 45,000 impressions per month on a 1-year contract. Plus that website charges a $250.00 "Set-Up" fee. We charge no set-up fee, and no 1-year contract is required. Including their Set-Up Fee, six months of advertising with our competitor costs $1750.00 versus just $400.00 with AccurateShooter.com! We deliver More Bang for your Buck. |
SITE PROFILE - - - - - - - - AccurateShooter.com | 6mmBR.com is one of the leading resources for precision shooting on the Internet. We feature new, quality content every week, including our popular Gun of the Week feature, and interviews with many of the nation's top shooters, such as David Tubb, John Brewer, and Joe Entrekin. We offer technical tips from top smiths like Mike Bryant, and precision reloading advice from world-record holders like James Phillips and Joel Kendrick.
6mmBR.com is now a "must-read" for anyone looking for extreme accuracy. And the experts have endorsed what we're doing: "Your site already has more solid info for guys that really shoot than almost any magazine one can buy" (Ian Robertson, Robertson Composites). "6mmBR.com is one of the top four sites on the web for precision shooters." (Dick Davis, McMillan Fiberglass Stocks). "In terms of technical precision rifle writing and information, it would seem that the torch once carried by American Rifleman, then by Precision Shooting, now resides in the 6mmBR.com site." (Rust, on SnipersHide.com). Google, MSN, and Yahoo search engines all regularly rank 6mmBR.com among the Top Five search results.
Our 800+ pages of content cover a wide variety of calibers: .204 Ruger, 20PPC, 20BR, 22BR, 22PPC, 22 Dasher, 22-250, 6PPC, 6mm BR, 6BRX, 6 Dasher, 6XC, 243 Win, 243 AI, 6mm Rem, 6-284, 6.5 Grendel, 260 AI, 6.5-284, 30BR, .308 Winchester. We are NOT limited to the 6mm BR Norma cartridge! Our editorial mix runs the full gamut of centerfire precision shooting: Short-Range Benchrest, 300m Competition, 600-yard Benchrest, 1000-yard Benchrest, Varmint Silhouette, Varmint Hunting, NRA High-Power, F-Class, F-TR, and Tactical. Our Gear Reviews are among the most respected on the 'Net. The quality of our photos and layout is unexcelled.
SITE TRAFFIC - - - - - - - - AccurateShooter.com has delivered over 37,000,000 pageviews since launching in September, 2004. Our readers include many world record holders and top competitive shooters. In just over two years, the site has established itself as "the model for shooting sites on the web." (G. Salazar, ShootersJournal.com).
The site averages over 18,800 visits per day, and over 110,000 pageviews per day, including the AccurateShooter Forum (Message Board). Combining our editorial content and Forum, we delivered 3.44 MILLION pageviews in December 2009. That's the same as 34,000 people looking at every page of a 100-page magazine. Our Gun of the Week feature has received over 8,000 visits in a single week.
AccurateShooter.com is now one of the fastest-growing shooting sports websites on the Internet. And it is the ONLY precision shooting site showing such phenomenal growth.
Note: Chart does not include 6,000+ visits per day on AccurateShooter.com Forum.
USER PROFILE - - - - - - - - AccurateShooter.com site visitors are active, sophisticated gun enthusiasts. Our audience is composed of serious shooters, would want the best rifles and reloading products money can buy. Nearly all our users reload their own ammo and shoot multiple calibers. 61% of readers surveyed shoot competitively and 31% are varminters. (Survey Results.) A large number of Message Board readers are in the process of building custom guns and they are actively looking for gunsmiths and components.
75% of Users have six or more rifles.
63% of Users spend more than $2,000 each year on shooting.
46% of Users spend more than $3,000 each year on shooting.
64% of Users shoot rifles (or long-range pistols) at least once a week.
61% of Users shoot competitively in one or more disciplines.
73% of Users plan to buy a custom action for their next gun.
41% of Users say a full-custom rifle is # 1 on their shopping list.
SEARCH PROMINENCE - - - - - - - - AccurateShooter.com content is highly ranked by the major search engines, Google.com, MSN Search, and Ask.com. Our popular Cartridge Guides are Google favorites, consistently showing up in Top Five natural search results. For Google searches on December 16, 2006, here is where we placed:
"6mmBR" or "6BR" (#1) | "6PPC" (#1) | "6.5-284" (#1 and #2)
".308 Win" (#2) | "20 Caliber" (#2) | ".243 Win" (#4)

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Advertiser Testimonials Krieger Barrels
AccurateShooter.com is now the premier precision shooting site on the web. This site is read and respected by the people who buy our barrels.
Preston Pritchett, Surgeon Rifles, Inc. This is the Best Bang for the Buck of anything we do as far as advertising goes.
Alex Sitman, MasterClass Stocks, Inc. Be sure to let me know when my ad is due again. The hits delivered to my site have been outstanding as have the QUALITY orders from some of your viewers. I believe it to be the best advertising money that I have spent in many years, thanks again for doing such a quality job.
Eric Stecker, Berger Bullets You have one of the best shooting-related websites around. We are committed to working with AccurateShooter.com as a sponsor. The people who visit your site are real shooters who demand accuracy--and those are the people who buy Berger bullets.
Richard Franklin, Richard's Custom Rifles Your site has brought me a lot of good business. Just recently I got orders for two $4000 rifles. I plan to expand my advertising presence because I know this works. When we ran a Big Banner for our DVDs on the home page, we were immediately swamped with dozens of orders.
Mike Bryant, Bryant Custom 6mmBR.com | AccurateShooter.com is one of only three internet sites I support through advertising. You guys are doing a good job and you deliver quality referrals.
Kevin Cram, Montour County Rifles I am paying my quarterly payment to renew my banner ad. Thanks for everything--the site is working wonderful. | . |
What AccurateShooter.com users are saying about us:
"I would like to say 'Thank you' for running the most informative, no-nonsense accurate shooting website out there. I just got back into shooting last year, having never reloaded before, and really never into the accuracy game. I can tell you that what I have learned from your articles and on the forum would have taken many years to learn through trial and error and spending a lot of money experimenting with loads, barrels, etc.; this would be daunting to say the least without a resource like AccurateShooter.com." -- Andy Wiese
G'day, Awesome web site. You guys have spent a huge amount of time and effort and it certainly shows. Keep up the good work." -- Muz in OZ (Murray Hicks)
"6mmBR.com is the best shooting site—bar none." -- R. Schatz, 1000-Yard Record Holder
"Thanks for making your website the most informative SHOOTING site on the internet. Thanks to you, I have been able to come to a decision on which dream rifle to get built. Gunsmith Clay Spencer, action Kelbly's. I have already been in contact with them." -- Mike Darlow
"Just wanted to let you know what a superb site you have. I am a 6PPC BR competitor and roam Benchrest.Com extensively. I just surfed around and must say it is perhaps the finest shooting web site I have seen! Great work." -- Jeff Stover
"To make a long story short, this website is my go-to guide for precision shooting. The information available on this website has bettered my education in precision shooting, my game and my supplies and equipment." -- Scott Murphy
"[Without question] the best done shooting web site on the internet." -- Boyd Allen
"Since I found your site last year I have devoured nearly everything on it. I have been building target and varmint guns since 1981, and 6mmBR is the best source of information I have ever run across." -- Ray Walters
"This website has got to be one of the best on the Internet! I have been considering a 6BR and had a lot of unanswered questions. In short time I found the answer to EVERY question I had about this extraordinary cartridge." -- Glenn
"Great looking site. I can't believe how fast the graphics load even on a dial up when I'm on the road. Better yet it doesn't freeze up my admittedly ancient laptop. Unique, or close to it is all of the information on smiths, barrelmakers, stockmakers, action makers and gadget makers. Even scopes. Even the wildcat forms of the cartridge." -- Rust
"Here's a donation. This is the best site on the www." -- C. Wetherington
"Thank you for the help. This site is by far the best shooting site out there." -- Jon Kujawa
"I have been accessing the 6mmBR.com site frequently over the past 6 months enjoying all the various articles. I even had two 6 BR rifles built by Richard Franklin (I was convinced that [it] would be a great 'hog' rifle). I just picked up the rifles a couple of weeks ago and I'm very happy with the performance. In perusing the site, it appeared to me that someone or some group was contributing great effort as evidenced by the quality of the site. [My] donation was intended, in part, to indicate my appreciation for all the work that goes into maintaining this excellent site.... I feel it is I that owe you folks a thank-you for all your efforts." -- J. DeMeo
"I am new to the 6mmBR/AccurateShooter site and am of the opinion it the best precision shooting site on the net. Great work." -- R. Waugh, Australia
Thank you for all of the great info on your site. I entered and won my first f-class match last weekend shooting a 6BR, without your site I probably would never have considered building a rifle for the caliber that has become my favorite. -- Ben Winget, MN
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