Book Reviews
Featured Publications
 | Applied Ballistics for Long-Range Shooting
by Bryan Litz
Price: $39.95 (Hardcover, 536 pages)
Book includes Ballistic Software on CD
Bryan Litz, chief Ballistician for Berger Bullets, has just released an impressive new, hard-cover treatise on external ballistics. While Bryan's 536-page Applied Ballistics for Long-Range Shooting will surely take its place among the "classic" reference books on precision shooting, it does much more than explain theories of bullet flight. Using advanced equipment, Litz measured the actual drag of over 175 popular bullet types in the field. Part III of the book includes the field-tested BCs of all these bullets, AND Litz provides the enhanced G7 BC data, which works better with boat-tail bullets. Armed with this new experimentally-derived data, shooters can now calculate their loads' true trajectories with greater precision than ever before.
If you're serious about long-range shooting, or just have a interest in bullet design and performance, you should buy this book. It is offered for $39.95 directly from Bryan's website,
Comment: "I have read the book and fully recommend it to anyone pursuing competitive rifle shooting of any discipline. Bryan's work is now the 'go to' source for answers to shooters' ballistics questions. It's the best $40 I have ever spent." -- Scott Parker |
 | Precision Shooting Reloading Guide
Edited by Dave Brennan
Price: $22.95 (Spiral Bound Softcover, 284 pages)
This handy reference guide contains scores of useful tips from many of the top shooters in the nation. However, this is NOT a load manual. Rather, it explains the techniques for precision reloading, and offers advice on how to get the "Nth" degree of accuracy from your handloads. Each chapter is authored by a different expert, and covers a specific topic. Chapters include: Reloading for Extreme Accuracy, Highpower (Bolt Guns), Highpower (Gas Guns), Benchrest, Magnums, Wildcats, Cast Bullets, and working up an accuracy load.
Readers have praised this compact (5.5" x 8.5") reference:
"I've been reloading for many many years, and have read literally dozens of books on the topic. This book still managed to contain pearls of wisdom I'd never heard before. As a result, I'm shooting better groups, and that's what it is all about." --T. Pratt.
"If you hand load because you want accuracy, repeatability, and long life from your brass, this book is a must-have." --GMB (NH).
"I refer to this as my handloading bible now. Great detail, informative articles, and fantastic tips written by knowledgeable shooters, handloaders and benchrest shooters." S. Smith (New Zealand) |
Recent and Recommended
 | Extreme Rifle Accuracy by Mike Ratigan
Price: $34.95 (Softcover), $42.95 (Hardcover)
A Super Shoot winner and US World Benchrest Team Director, Mike Ratigan is a leading figure in the Benchrest game. It's rare to find an active competitor with Mike's credentials who has shared his vast knowledge of the sport.
Mike's new 368-page book is dedicated to getting the most from modern rifle accuracy equipment with an emphasis on shooting 100-200-300 yard group benchrest tournaments. Butch Lambert has said Mike's book is "far and away the best BR book written. Very comprehensive, it touches on every aspect of our game."
Several categories of people will find this book valuable. The live varmint shooter or non-competitor will find the chapters dealing with the rifle, bag and rest setup, hand loading, and wind flags quite useful. For the new benchrest shooter, this book presents topics seldom covered elsewhere. The most popular hardware plust new equipment offerings are covered, including external mount scopes, actions, triggers, stocks, wind flags, and more. Also covered are match formats and etiquette, rifle handling techniques, note taking, tuning, bullet selection, goals, match strategies, and the mental aspect of competition.
Finally, the active competitor will pick up tips to update their own competitive program. The chapter on Superman bullets alone will answer some age-old questions. For those interested, the topics of range and bench construction, as well as match operations are covered in detail. Ratigan also provides an excellent overview of the World Benchrest Championships and the US Benchrest Hall of Fame. (Review by Scott Smallwood).
To order, call Mike at (580) 256-2963, or use this ORDER FORM.
Precision Shooting Titles Precision Shooting Book Order Form (Adobe .pdf file)
 | Accurizing the Factory Rifle
by M.L. McPherson
Price: $44.95 (Softcover)
The improvement of the factory rifle (bolt-actions, single shots, lever guns and pumps) is thoroughly discussed in this large work (over 335 pages and more than 400 photos). This is the third edition; the first and second editions quickly sold out. A long-awaited book that bridges the gap between the rudimentary tasks and the advanced machinist's shop. |
 | A Varmint Hunter’s Odyssey
by Steve Hanson
Price: $37.95 (Softcover)
This is a full-size (8 ½ x 11") 279-page, 275-photo book, two years in preparation, by a writer who eats, drinks, and sleeps varmint hunting and varmint rifles. The author moves easily through the world of custom actions, match grade barrels, two ounce triggers, power-boosted scopes, synthetic stocks, rangefinders and accuracy gunsmiths. The author has repeatedly killed varmints at ranges in excess of 1,000 yards in front of reliable witnesses. Extensive coverage of suitable cartridges and bullets for the task. |
 | The Benchrest Shooting Primer Edited by Dave Brennan of Precision Shooting magazine.
Price: $24.95 (Softcover)
The Benchrest Primer includes 182 of the very best benchrest articles from Precision Shooting Magazine in the 1982-1996 years, with substantial input from a number of Benchrest Hall of Fame shooters as well as leading accuracy gunsmiths, barrel makers and bullet makers. The one indispensable book for the benchrest student. (420 full size 8 ½ x 11 pages) |
 | Precision Shooting at 1,000 Yards
Authored by the Columnists/Writers of Precision Shooting Magazine
Price: $34.95 (Softcover)
Full size (8.5" x 11"), 256 pages. Thirteen chapters, including: Highpower and Palma shooting, long range military sniping, a history of long range shooting, live varmint shooting at 1,000 yards, an interview with three Highpower gunsmiths, 1,000-yard benchrest shooting today, 1,000 yard optics, and reloading for 1,000 yards. Widely regarded as the definitive book on the subject today. |
 | Modern Highpower Competition
by Randolph Constantine
Price: $39.95 (Softcover)
Full page size 8.5" x 11", 612 pages, over 200 photos. Popular Precision Shooting columnist Randolph Constantine spent well over two years authoring the definitive book on how to succeed in the exciting world of Highpower competition, from 100 to 1,000 yards. The book is remarkably reader-friendly in its approach to an occasionally daunting subject. It carefully and lightly explains the hows and whys of one of the most challenging and popular of the shooting sports. |
 | Rifle Accuracy Facts
by Harold R. Vaughn
Price: $34.95 (Softcover)
Decades after it was written, Vaughn's work remains a seminal treatise on accuracy. Vaughn was a serious scientist, working for the Sandia National Laboratories, after serving as a fighter pilot in WWII. Many "gun writers" toss out hunches and theories about what makes a rifle accurte. Vaughn, by contrast, did serious empirical testing and extensive statistical analysis. Vaughn was intrigued by the question of why some guns shot well while seemingly identical rifles did not. This meant studying the fine details in a way that often ran contrary to conventional wisdom. But his work did provide logical explanations which dispelled much of the "mystery" of rifle performance. Rifle Accuracy Facts covers a wide variety of topics, including internal ballistics, chamber and throat design, barrel vibration, scope sight problems, barrel-receiver threaded joint motion, muzzle blast, bullet core problems, bullet imbalance, external ballistics and more. Writer Boyd Allen notes: "If you are serious about precision shooting, Vaughn's book belongs in your library. Vaughn's experiments provide important insights that we are only today beginning to fully implement with barrel tuning, torque control, and improved scope designs." (6.5"x10", 292 pages, photo illustrated)
|  | Designing and Forming Custom Cartridges
for Rifles & Handguns
by Ken Howell
Price: $59.95 (Hardcover)
The classic work in its field, out of print for many years, now returns in an exact reprint of the original. This 600-page hardcover (8 1/2" x 11") resources has 450 pages of diagrams, drawn to the same 1.5x scale. You'll find dozens of cartridge drawings never published anywhere before, including many obscure wildcats. Precisely drawn to the dimensions specified by the men who designed them, the factories that made them, and the authorities that set the standards. Includes case-forming methods and other practical information. |
 | The Military and Police Sniper
by Mike Lau
Price: $35.00 (Softcover)
The classic work of its genre, from the principal of Texas Brigade Armory and a long time specialist in tactical rifles gunsmithing. This full-size (8.5" x 11") book is useful for any shooter or hunter who shoots at unknown distances, at moving targets, or with significant deflection angle. Lau's tome covers what you need to know about practical field shooting plus a review of the rifles, scopes and cartridges of today. (350 pages) |
 | Black Magic—The Ultra Accurate AR-15
by John Feamster
Price: $24.95 (Softcover)
The first book to come to market on the AR-15, Black Magic is uthored by a Distinguished Marksman, and very successful AR-15 shooter. This guide proveds some 300 pages of insider-level information on how to wring the ultimate in accuracy out of both an AR-15 and its ammunition on both the target range and the varmint hunting fields. |
Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) Titles
 | Service Rifle Marksmanship Guide and International Rifle Guide
Price: $3.95 each
The USAMU Guides were written and illustrated by the shooters and coaches of the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit Rifle Teams. The CMP issues these Guides to promote marksmanship and training competition. The International Rifle Guide, NLU #777, is best for intermediates, while the Service Rifle Guide, NLU #780, suits all shooters. Definitely get one or both of the USAMU Guides. |
Sinclair International Titles
 | Handloading for Competition by Glen M. Zediker
Price: $32.50 (Softcover, Zediker Publishing)
This book covers every aspect of developing and producing ammunition for Benchrest, F-Class, Highpower, silhouette, and precision varmint hunting. From case prep to bullet seating, all phases of accurate loading are covered. Tools, methods, and processes for reloading are examined along with proven loads for all popular competitive cartridges. A special chapter on Long Range Shooting by Scott Medesha is included. Bullet selection and both sides of the bullet moly-coating question are covered in depth. Over 450 pages with over 350 photos, charts, graphs, and illustrations. This is a quality book packed full of information, in an easy-to-use format. |
 | Prone and Long-Range Rifle Shooting by Nancy Tompkins
Price: $34.95 (Softcover)
Tompkins new (2006) treatise is a must-read for serious Palma, F-Class, and Highpower shooters. The sections covering Mental & Physical training and Reading Wind & Mirage will benefit all precision shooters, regardless of discipline. Other topics include Shooting Fundamentals, International Competition, and Loading for Long Range. Nancy Tompkins has won the National Long Range Championships four times, and is the only woman ever to win the National Highpower Championships. She has also won the prestigious Wimbledon Cup, and is a 5-time Leech Cup winner. Nancy has been on six Palma Teams (as both a shooter and a coach). |
Rifleman's Guide to Rimfire Ammunition by Steven Boelter
Price: $29.95 (Softcover, Zediker Publishing)
Steven Boelter's new 352-page book is a comprehensive study of all types of rimfire ammunition (including 17s and 22 mags), with over 600 photos. In a remarkable undertaking, Steven Boelter fired every brand and sample of rimfire ammo he could acquire (including 22LR, 17 Mach 2, 17HMR and 22 WMR), and recorded all the results. In all, Steven tested 11 brands and 137 different rimfire rounds, firing over 32,000 test rounds. Test guns included a Turbo custom BR rifle, Volquartzen Custom 10/22, and Anschutz and Sako competition and sporting rifles. We consider this fact-filled, 6"x9" book a "must-have" resource, even if you are not a hard-core rimfire shooter. Click HERE for more details and sample pages. |
Rifle Bullets for the Hunter
Edited by Dave Campbell
Price: $25.25 (Hardcover, Ballistic Technologies)
Written by a team of respected outdoor writers, the new 316-page Rifle Bullets for the Hunter is an impressive reference for any shooter interested in bullet performance. Eric Stecker of Berger Bullets reports: "Hunters finally have a book that thoroughly addresses the component used where the metal hits the meat. This book hits on a topic of importance that until now has been mistakenly assumed, addressed in passing or ignored altogether." Illustrated with over 125 color photos, the book covers: Bullet Testing, Stopping Power, Deer Bullets, Varmint/Small Game Bullets, Big Game Bullets, Solids, and Cast Bullets. Contributing authors include "Leupold Writer of the Year" Award winners Craig Boddington, John Barness, and Ron Spomer, plus Shooting Illustrated Editor in Chief Dave Campbell. |
Slings and Things by Glen Zediker
Price: $19.95 (182 pages, Softcover, Zediker Publishing)
This book, the first in Zediker’s "Basics and Beyond" series, covers all the "hardware" needed to compete in Highpower Rifle matches. Slings and Things covers slings, spotting scopes, coats, mats, hats, gloves, kit equipment needed to shoot the matches, how to choose the best gear, and how to use the gear correctly and more. Gear and kit for every budget is discussed with seven sections in the book, with over 300 sharp photographs. Both novices shooters and experts will find answers to their questions. This is a book Highpower shooters have needed for a long time, and Zediker has written it with thorough research from a shooters perspective -- Glen is a High Master NRA High Power Shooter. 6"x9" format, Soft cover. |
Champion's Choice Titles
Winning in the Wind
by Lonny Basham and Lones Wigger
Price: $35.00 (DVD)
For those seeking a single, dedicated resource on wind reading, we recommend Winning in the Wind, an interactive DVD by Lanny Bassham and Lones Wigger, both World shooting champions. Winning in the Wind covers mirage and the strategies for shooting in different wind conditions. The DVD has over 100 digital graphics, photos, and ilustrations, plus a complete interactive shot chart showing wind effects. The DVD also offers helpful hints for staying positive and mentally focused when dealing with fickle and erratic winds. This CD-Rom is available for $35.00 from Champion’s Choice, or directly from the Lanny Basham website, |
 | Ways of the Rifle (English Edition)
by Gaby Bühlmann, Heinz Reinkemeier and Maik Eckhardt
Price: $44.50 | Published: MEC, 2002
Translated from German by Bill Murray.
Just released this year, the 208-page large-format soft cover treatise covers all positions and features many of the world's top rifle shooters. Many high-quality illustrations. German highly recommends this book to all prone competitors. |
 | New Position Rifle Shooting
by Frank Hanankrat and Bill Pullum
Price: $17.95
Published: Target Sports Ed. Center, 1997
The New Position Rifle Shooting book is an all-new, comprehensive guide to championship target shooting, based on the classic Position Rifle Shooting book. The new volume is an authoritative guide to the latest technical and physiological teachings on advanced marksmanship. |
 | Air Rifle Shooting (English Edition)
by Heinz Reinkemeier, Gaby Bühlmann, and Maik Eckhardt
Price: $68.00 | Published: MEC, 2004
This is, by far, the best air rifle training guide for beginners, intermediates and masters. The book includes 3-position and supported shooting, as well as a detailed sections on aiming path analysis systems. It's more than a treatise. The book includes many practical exercises and questionnaires, plus shooting logs and training charts. You'll find up-to-date coverage of the latest rifles, sights, clothing and accessories. This hardbound book features 204 color pages, with over 1500 photos, drawings and graphics. Top German and international shooters are pictured in action at the Olympic Games and World Championships. |
 | High Power Rifle
by David Tubb
Price: $14.95
Written by the undisputed "King of Camp Perry", the 11-time National High Power Champion, G. David Tubb. David offers offers insights and advice on equipment, shooting in wind, shooting technique, and, most importantly, developing and applying a winning strategy. |
General Reference Books
 | Ammo & Ballistics 3 (3rd Edition, 2006) by Rober Forker
Price: $24.95 ($16.47 at
If you shoot factory ammo in some of your rifles, this 456-page, heavily-illustrated resource is invaluable. The completely revised and updated Ammo & Ballistics 3 contains ballistic data on virtually every factory-loaded sporting cartridge sold in the USA. Over 2,200 cartridge data tables show velocity, energy, wind drift, bullet drop, and ballistic coefficient and Taylor Knock Out Value up to 1,000 yards. This resource covers 160+ rifle and handgun calibers, from .17 Mach 2 to .700 Nitro Express. Loads are listed by manufacturer, bullet weight, type, and construction. Tech articles explain ballistics coefficients and energy equations. Covered ammo-makers include Aguila, Black Hills, CCI/Speer, Dakota Arms, Eley Ltd., Federal, Fiocchi, Hirtenberger, Hornady, Lapua, Lazzeroni, Norma, PMC, Remington, Dynamit Nobel-RWS Inc., Sellier & Bellot, Weatherby, and Winchester. |
 | Cartridges of the World (12th Edition, 2009) by Frank C. Barnes, Edited by Holt Bodinson
Price: $19.99 (at
Cartridges of the World, by Frank Barnes, is considered by many to be the definitive print resource on firearm cartridges. The most recent 568-page 12th Edition describes over 1500 cartridges, including the latest wildcat and military cartridges. It also describes many historical or obsolete cartridges, making it useful for antique firearms collectors. This important reference features detailed photos, dimensional drawings and loading data.
Decades ago Barnes started working with different cartridges and decided to publish a manual for all of them. He was an innovator, and came up with the original 308 x 1.5" Barnes, predecessor of the 30BR case. Cartridges of the World was first published in 1965, and is now in its 12th Edition, released in fall, 2009. |
 | Nosler Reloading Guide 6 (6th Edition, 2008) by Nosler, with Introductions by a team of writers
Price: $24.99 (at
The Nosler Reloading Guide has long been considered one of the better reloading guides in print, with good coverage of basic reloading techniques. The greatly expanded 6th edition features 848 pages of information, covering 117 cartridges. You'll find freshly-fired data for the entire line of Nosler bullets, as well as data for many of the popular, new factory cartridges. Load data for each cartridge is presented in a graphic format, with starting, intermediate and maximum loads for each powder (and bullet weight) listed. Nosler's system uses simple, easy-to-read bar graphs to show velocity variation between powders.
Nosler introduces each cartridge section with personal commentaries and tips by well-known hunters, shooters, and writers. This expert advice supplements the "raw data", helping you select the right bullet and powder for your particular application. "Comments From the Lab", technical tips authored by Nosler's ballistics team, are also provided for many cartridges. |