Eliseo R5 6mmBR Repeater
State of the Art Kit Gun for the Highpower XTC Game
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Attend a Highpower match on the West Coast and you're likely to see Gary Eliseo's handsome, high-tech kit rifles used by many of the top shooters. After many long nights and much hard work, Gary has perfected a new repeater rifle for prone and across-the-course competition. From the ground up, it is built around the 6mm BR cartridge. Gary explains: "The 6BR is a proven winner. It is a step up from what you can shoot in an AR15-based spacegun. The 6BR is hard to beat for pure accuracy and loads are easy to tune. It offers low recoil, and with the R5 we now have a platform with reliable mag-feeding. With a 6BR you also have extremely high-quality factory ammo available." Using proprietary CNC-machined aluminum magazines, the gun will rip through a rapid-fire stage as fast as you can work the bolt--and it will feed the stubby 6BR cartridges flawlessly. Click the screen-shot at right to see a Rapid-Fire VIDEO showing Gary shooting 10 rounds through the R5, including a mag change. More VIDEO.Gary recently demonstrated his new R5 repeater for us, and explained the features of this impressive new rifle. It combines mag-fed cycling speed, superb accuracy, and excellent ergonomics in a kit that retails for just $875.00 (subject to change). Add barrel, Rem 700 short action, sights, and trigger, and you have a rig that can win matches for under $2000.00 complete. BIG Photo. 
Design Principles of the R5--Beyond the AR
In creating the R5, Gary wanted to preserve the ergonomics and rapid-fire functionality of the AR15 (and its spacegun variants). However he wanted a gun that had superior accuracy and that could shoot the high-BC 6mm bullets. Gary felt the heavier 6mm bullets offered a definite performance edge over even the best 22-caliber projectiles, and he wanted to shoot the 6BR cartridge because of its great inherent accuracy. The challenge was to make the 6BR function in a bolt gun that had the feel and balance of an AR spacegun. And it also had to have a magazine that would work flawlessly in rapid fire. Gary explained: "I have a background in Service Rifle competition. I cut my teeth on an AR15 and later an AR15-based space gun. That's really the reason my stocks look the way they do. The AR-style configuration feels natural to me. To those accustomed to an AR-type spacegun, the R5 will feel very familiar. The weight and more importantly the balance of the rifle feel just right. By contrast, I always found the Highpower bolt guns I've tried in the past to be a bit muzzle-heavy. I prefer the way my spaceguns handle offhand, with the mass sort of centered at my chest. A 'tube' stock has another major advantage over a conventional stock, namely how the tube stock helps the shooter maintain his sight picture. In the rapids, with a conventional stock, you are forced to lift your head off the stock to keep from getting hit in the nose by the bolt as it comes back. This in turn forces you to re-acquire the sight picture after each shot. That slows you down and won't help your score. On the other hand, with a tube gun, the bolt runs under your face so you can keep your face planted and keep your sight picture during the entire rapid string. Furthermore, with my R5, being chambered in 6BR, recoil is so light you hardly need to move your head at all. Watch the rapid fire video clip and you can see for yourself. One other little feature that really helps during the rapids is the thumb stud I put on the side of the lower unit, I've found that operating the bolt is made much easier if I keep my thumb on the right side of the pistol grip and rest it on the thumb stud, this gives me a 'jacking point' that I can leverage my thumb against giving me much more power to open the bolt with, with a little practice it's really easy to learn, and works great!" Cartridge Selection--Why the 6BR for Across the Course (XTC) Competition? We asked Gary why he chose the 6mm BR for his R5 rifle. First he noted: "There's not much point in engineering a new rifle to shoot the .223 Rem--you can shoot that from an AR15 platform, and I think some kind of 6mm is a much better choice for Highpower and XTC anyway." Gary explained: "I chose the 6BR cartridge for many reasons. First is its extraordinary accuracy--those who know this cartridge know what I mean, and those who try it for the first time are quickly converted. Half-moa (or better) is almost a certainty with this cartridge if you have a decent barrel. But for Highpower competition this cartridge offers other very important benefits such as the ability to propel high-BC 6mm bullets at good velocity, outstanding barrel life, low recoil, good availability of high-quality brass at reasonable price, and a cartridge that's easy to load for and not finicky. I don't think there's another XTC cartridge that can boast all of those qualities. Sure some bigger cases may offer a more velocity, but there's usually a trade-off. You will give up useful barrel life, or you may have to spend time forming brass from other parent cases. I've explored most of the popular XTC cartridges. On balance I think the 6BR is close to perfection in achieving all the necessary qualities you want in an XTC cartridge. The only major argument against the 6BR cartrridge for XTC was that it was hard to feed from a magazine. Well, with the R5, and our new single-stack magazine design, that issue is a thing of the past." Check out the photo to see the magazine and how it works.
Gun SpecificationsAction: Remington 700 short, out of the box (not trued). Barrel: Hart Medium Palma taper 27" long, 1:8" twist. Trigger: Jewell HVR-A set at 8 ounces weight of pull. Rear Sight: PNW with Gehman adjustable iris. Front Sight: RPA 22 mm with Gehman adjustable iris and .3 diopter lens mounted on a 6" barrel extension tube. Stock/Chassis: Eliseo CSS R5 Repeater with 4-way adjustable buttstock, thumbwheel adjustable cheekpiece, rotary-adjustable fore-end, position-adjustable handstop. Weight: 13.6 pounds total with sights and two 8-oz. rear balance weights attached. |
Accuracy and Reloading Gary tells us his R5 "holds half-MOA with ease." He employs no exotic reloading methods, instead using a moderate load of Varget with Lapua brass right out of the box. For his Slow Fire, single-round loads, he seats his bullets long so they engage the lands. However, in order to ensure reliable magazine feeding, he loads his mag-fed rounds off the lands, keeping the C.O.A.L. under 2.385". [Editor's note, the 6BR Lapua 105-grain loaded ammo measures about 2.330" overall so it fits perfectly within Gary's recommended cartridge length guidelines.]
Gary tells us: "I take full advantage of the beautiful Lapua brass--I take them right from the box, prime them with CCI BR4 primers, measure 29.5 to 30.0 grains of Varget (dependant upon which bullet I use) and top them off with a Sierra 107, Berger 105 VLD or a Berger 90 BT. The 90-grainer is used for short stages. The only thing that needs to be done is to set my magazine ammo to fit in the 'slot length' of 2.275"-2.385". If the ammo is too short, the bullet tip won't be started in the chamber when released from the magazine. If the ammo is too long, the bullet tip may drag on the inside of the mag well. By the way my rifle shoots under 1/2 MOA without any fuss. That's why I love this cartridge so much." 
Across the Course (XTC) Rules of the Game The R5 was designed primarily as an XTC or "across the course" competition rifle. XTC refers to a Highpower match where the competitor fires on targets at 200, 300, and 600 yards. At the 200-yard line the first course of fire is a 20-shot Slow Fire event (with two sighters), shot from standing position. The time limit is 22 minutes and single-round loading is required.
The second course of fire is also at 200 yards but is a Rapid Fire event. You shoot two 10-shot strings (total 20 rounds for record) with two sighters. Competitors have 60 seconds to fire each 10-shot string. This stage is fired from the sitting position but the competitor must stand after firing his sighters, then drop to the sitting position to fire his string. Each 10-shot string must have a magazine change, hence the five-shot magazine capacity Eliseo uses in the R5. The third course of fire is a 300-yard Rapid Fire event shot at 300 yards from the prone position. The same rules hold true for the prone rapid (standing after sighters then dropping to prone to fire the string) but the competitor has 70 seconds to fire each 10-round string. The fourth and final course of fire is the 600-yard Slow Fire prone segment. Here the competitor fires 22 shots (20 for record plus two sighters) in 22 minutes. As with the Slow Fire standing event, the rifle must be single-round loaded. While being designed for XTC events, the R5 does well in other disciplines. Eliseo enjoys shooting the rifle in "mid range" events such as the 3x600 which is basically three, 600-yard slow prone matches. |
R5 Adjustments--A Myriad of Options The R5 is fully adjustable, stem to stern, with all the user-configurable features you'd expect to find on a high-grade match rifle used for position shooting. The buttstock/buttplate assembly adjusts for length of pull, drop, cant and cast-off. The minimum length of pull is a tight 12". This is important to many shooters who prefer a very short LOP for use in the offhand position. Two 8-ounce weights can be fitted to the bottom of the buttstock. These are most helpful when standing, but Gary usually leaves them in place in all positions.
A thumbwheel-type, vertically-adjustable cheekpiece is fitted to the main arm of the buttstock assembly. (See Large photo below). The cheekpiece can be raised and lowered for individual preference but Gary likes to keep it pretty low as that helps him stay "glued" to the stock during rapid-fire. Gary says that R5 recoils pretty much straight back with very little vertical pulse. This allows the shooter to stay right down on the stock, with minimal head movement in the rapids. As you'd expect, the handstop adjusts fore and aft via a slot cut in the underside of the fore-end/handguard. The entire handguard itself can be rotated about 20 degrees left or right around the bore axis, allowing the handstop to be placed off-center without canting the rifle. This is a slick feature one not found on conventional target rifle stocks (or most tube guns for that matter). Gary notes: "I prefer to rotate the handguard as this places the handstop into the web of my sling hand. I find that much more comfortable, especially after spending many minutes in the sling during the slow prone event." 
R5 Kit--What It Includes The R5 kit comes complete with everything you need except front and rear sights, Rem 700 action, barrel, and trigger. The kit is much more than a painted housing for action and barrel. For $875.00, Gary delivers the following components: • Complete Stock in the powder-coat color of your choice.
• Advanced 4-way adjustable Buttstock/buttplate Assembly. • Extended Picatinny (Weaver-style) top rail. • Adjustable Handstop with quick disconnect socket. • Recoil Disc to replace factory recoil lug. • Bolt-handle Extension Knob. • Two 5-round CNC Magazines optimized for the 6mmBR cartridge. • SLED for single-round loading. • All screws, washers and other fasteners. OPTIONS: Front sight extension (bloop tube) costs $35.00. Gary also sells CSS front sight columns. Assembly: The gun is designed for the do-it-yourselfer, and a full set of instructions is provided. You'll need a gunsmith to chamber the barrel and fit the barrel to the action, but everything else can be done with simple tools. The action does require some minor modification at the front of the action's magazine cut-out. To allow long-seated bullets, a small semi-circle, about .150" across, needs to be milled out for bullet tip clearance. (Click Here to view photo of milled area.) You CAN use the action without this modification, but if you do so, Gary advises you to keep your rounds near minimum length. Modifying the action is easily done with a Dremel-type tool and a .25" diameter rotary file. This minor modification is one of the reasons the rifle feeds so well. The magazine is placed as far forward as possible so that the bullet tip is actually started into the chamber when the feed lips of the magazine release the back of the cartridge, this also requires a maximum "slot length" for mag-loaded ammo of about 2.385". |
Design Dialog--Interview with Gary Eliseo |
Q: How did you get started in the Kit Gun business?
ELISEO: I've always a machinist, welder, and designer. I've had a business designing and building custom machinery for a long time. I've always worked as a machine designer in various capacities for different places. I've been into shooting for a long time--mainly just casual shooting, but then I got into competitive shooting about 14 years ago and I really became addicted to it. I started, at first, just using what was out there, but after time I realized that not everything suited me so I started just building little widgets so to speak for my rifles. My buddies would see them and they would want some; over time it just sort of evolved into this, where I decided to build a whole stock because I thought I could build a better mousetrap. [Editor's note: That first stock evolved into the B1--a single shot tube gun built on the Barnard 'P' action]. Q: We've received a lot of inquiries about your R5 since featuring it in our AccurateShooter.com Blog. People want to know "how does it shoot?" and "How long will I have to wait to get one?" ELISEO: All the owners so far have been very happy with the accuracy and reliability. Mind you we don't sell barrels, and you have to have a good barrel for the gun to reach its full potential. But I feel confident that an R5 should shoot under 1/2-MOA with good ammo. As to delivery date, we can usually deliver pretty quickly, unless you want some unusual modification. Q: Can you run a variety of bullets with this magazine? What is the shortest that works and what is the longest? Yes, so far the minimum overall cartridge length that seems to work best is about 2.275". The maximum seems to be about 2.385". [Editor's Note: Lapua 6BR factory ammo runs about 2.330", right in the middle of Gary's range.] I've actually been able to load VLDs in the magazine and stick them in the rifling, but I don't normally do that. The reason is that I like my gun to close easily in the rapids--I don't like to feel any resistance when the gun is closing or opening. That's why I make sure I'm jumping just a little bit to the rifling for my mag loads. Q: We raised the question earlier of "why the 6BR?" and you mentioned it has a long, well-establish reputation of winning at 300m and in across-the-course competition. But still the question comes up--what is the next caliber for the repeater? Can you see building an R5 in .223 or 6.5x47 for example. ELISEO: I don't know about .223 only because most people who are shooting a .223 are shooting an AR or AR spacegun. Plus I think the 6mm is clearly superior for that game (Highpower XTC). However, I have had people ask about going to the next size cartridge--which is the 6XC or the new 6.5x47--something in that range and that may come. Q: Is the magazine well big enough for a larger round or would you have to re-design the lower? ELISEO: The entire lower unit would have to be changed and the magazines would have to be changed. With the current format I've done 6 Dashers and I think we can do a 6 BRX--basically the BR improved family. But to go to the next step we'd have to lengthen the magazine and enlarge the magwell of the lower unit. Q. What about the Remington action itself. Benchrest shooters like to true their Rem actions. Is it important to have an action trued before it is used in the R5? Is that an added expense that you recommend for people? ELISEO: I've heard that a lot of people get their Remington actions blue-printed. But, in the Highpower game, I don't think it's quite as important as it is in the benchrest game. If it makes you feel better do it. My R5 rifle is bone-stock. I've done nothing to it whatsoever. It's just running a Hart 8-twist barrel and [non-trued action] and today, well, I shot a 200-14X. So far, slow prone with that thing, I've never dropped more than about 3 points--so it's shootin' and it's bone stock. Q. Have you ever experimented with a trued Remington action vs. a non-blueprinted action to see if you get even a small advantage? ELISEO: No, I have not. Although I can tell you that at today's match, the match winner was shooting an R5 with a trued action and I was shooting a non-trued action and he beat me by 2 Xs. OK, so, maybe there's something to it. 
Q: The bolt handle extension is cool, but does that require gunsmithing? ELISEO: No, that's a do-it-yourself operation. All you need is a belt-sander or grinder. All you need to do is take that football-shaped standard Remington knob and grind it into sort of a round ball. My extension knob has a hole bored in the back of it so it fits right over the end of the bolt (as ground) and you epoxy it on with something like Brownell's Acraglass gel--that works well. It works real well.
The whole kit was designed really, for the most part, for the do-it-yourselfer. The only part that I would think a gunsmith would do, is obviously the barreling of the action. Also we don't use the standard factory recoil lug. The kit comes with a recoil disk, which is basically a precision-ground heavy washer of sorts. So, if you already have a barreled action and you want to fit it in a kit and you don't want to glue it in you would have to replace the recoil lug with the recoil disk and then check the headspace. Otherwise, if you wanted to glue it in, you could certainly glue it in just "as is" and use it the way it is, if you preferred the glue-in.
Q: I presume that the extended bolt handle not only provides extra grip but extra leverage as well... ELISEO: Absolutely. That's true. And if you notice on the side of the action, there's a little stud on the right side of the lower unit, above and to the rear of the trigger guard that I actually use as a thumbrest during the rapids. I keep my thumb on the right side of the action and I actually use that as a leveraging point for my thumb to help open the action. This makes it much better because operating a pistol grip rifle in the rapids with your thumb on the opposite side of the pistol grip is quite difficult to do. So I provided that little stud thumb-rest on the right side for a right-hander and on the left side for a left-hander as a leverage point and thumb-rest to use during the rapids. And you'll notice in the video how I'm actually leveraging my hand off of that while opening the bolt.
Q: When you were doing the live-fire it seemed like the action was running very smoothly without a lot of force required to open or close the bolt. Are there any special things you do inside the stock to make the Remington run so smoothly? |
ELISEO: You know, like I said, the action on my gun is bone stock. All I'm doing is full-length sizing my brass so that I'm not feeling any resistance when I close the bolt and I'm jumping the bullet a little bit to make sure that I'm not sticking the bullet into the rifling. As long as you have a load that's mild enough that it doesn't stick on opening, it works pretty good. That action on my rifle is as bone-stock as can be--I've done nothing to it. Q: Do you do any modification on the Remington Action to suit the 6BR cartridge?
ELISEO: Yes, there is a small modification we do. How we got this thing to work was to get the bullet as far forward as possible, as close to the chamber as possible. In order to achieve that, we remove a small amount of material out of the front end of the action's magazine port so the bullet tips can actually pass up through it. This is just a very small radius, about .150". This can be done easily with a dremel tool or even a file. You can run the action without any modification if you keep your loaded ammo closer to the minimum length, about 2.275". But the little radius gives a little more clearance for the end of the bullet tip, allowing a longer load length. That's how close the cartridge is to the chamber. Q: So your magazine holds the cartridge well forward in the action? ELISEO: Yes, the cartridge is far enough forward that the bullet tip is started in the chamber when the back of the cartridge is released from the magazine, and that's why it feeds as well as it does. In the past people have tried to put the cartridge all the way in the back and feed it from the back of the magazine. The problem there is that it's just rattling around on its way down to the chamber and lots of times it will nose-dive in the back of the barrel. So, that was the trick to getting it to feed. That also does require a maximum "slot length" for the load. The load can't be shorter than a given length or longer than a given length. If it's too short the bullet tip won't be in the chamber when magazine releases. If it's too long it will drag on the front of the magazine well. The trick to get this thing to work is to get the bullet tip as far forward as possible so that when the magazine releases the back of the cartridge, the tip of the bullet is actually starting into the chamber. Traditionally, people have tried to get the 6BR to work by putting it all the way in the back. Q: Do you recommend a modified Sako-style extractor? ELISEO: The "classic" fix for weak ejection, which is common to these really short cartridges, is to go to the Sako extractor. However, with the standard Rem extractor, it will work, as long as the bolt is worked at a brisk rate, kind of like you would do in a rapid sequence. But a Sako-style extractor can help. Basically the Sako extractor is moved from the 3 o'clock position on the bolt to about the 1:30 position on the bolt and that preserves a lot of spring pressure on the ejector when the cartridge is pulled back out of the chamber. It basically has more spring pressure behind it so the case will eject more strongly coming out of the gun. Q: You make both a left-hand and a right-hand version of the R5. Are they essentially identical? ELISEO: Exactly, they are mirror image--right and left, so everything is provided in the same way. The magazine catch slot is on both sides so you use the same magazine for left-hander or right-hander. And the R5 uses a push-button magazine from the left or the right--just like an AR15. It's actually an AR15 magazine release that I use on both left- and right-handers. 
Q: How is that action actually mounted inside the aluminum chassis/tube assembly? What's that procedure? ELISEO: It's really straightforward. Once the action is barreled and fitted with the recoil disk, basically all you do is just insert the action into the action sleeve. Then insert the rear action screw first, I torque this to about 55 inch-lbs, and then install the lower unit (combined magwell + triggerguard assembly), with both rear and front screws. The front screw for the lower unit also serves as the front action screw. That's also torqued to 55 inch-lbs. The rear screw for the lower unit just goes into the sleeve so the torque on that is not important. Q. Tell us about the adjustable buttstock. It looks like a clone of the product that Creedmoor Sports sells. ELISEO: That's because it is. I provide those stocks to Creedmoor Sports. It's the same buttstock assembly that Creedmoor sells as the "Revolution" model. Obviously the cheekpiece is different. The "Revolution" uses a special rotary cheekpiece. Whereas on my Tubegun kits I use a standard thumbwheel-type cheekpiece adjuster. But the actual clamping block, buttplate assembly, hangers, and the weights all are the same as found on the Creedmoor Revolution. Q: How much would a Creedmoor Revolution Buttstock cost by itself? ELISEO: They sell that for $299.00. Q: And how much does the R5 kit cost?
ELISEO: The R5 retails at $875.00 and includes two magazines and a SLED (Single-Round Loading Block). Basically it includes everything you need except the barreled action, trigger, and sights. You can go shoot it if you've got that stuff. The B1 kit, which is for the Barnard, single-shot prone gun, that also includes pretty much everything (obviously no magazine), and that one's $750.00. That's based on the large Barnard model 'P' action. And the new kit we're working on right now, the AN1, is for the Anschutz Model 54 match action. Again that includes everything. That's a different design. It has a floated action, a sleeve that's actually glued on to the barrel--that's how it's held into the stock. The action's free-floated. That kit's going to run about $800-$825. But again it includes everything. All my kits pretty much include everything except barreled action, trigger, and sights. Q: What sights do you recommend for the R5 Repeater? ELISEO: For the R5 repeater and the B1 prone gun, you can use basically the same sights. Whatever you prefer. They have an AR15-style rear sight, meaning the sight mounts directly to the Picatinny rail on the gun. So any AR15-style rear sight, such as RPA, ARW, or a PNW. You can also use a side-mount Warner, with an adapter to mount to the rail (see photo of orange gun above). Centra also makes one that mounts directly to the rail. As far as the front sight goes, you can use one of mine, or you can use like an RPA Texas Tallboy--same type of sights you'd shoot a Tubb gun with. Q: I noted on your gun you had the front sight mounted on an extended bloop tube. Is that an option? ELISEO: Yes, that's an optional extra. It's not very much--only $35.00--and if you have old eyes like me the extra sight radius really helps keep the front sight clear. Some people like them, some people don't. It makes the rifle a little more ungainly offhand in the wind, but in the prone position I think it is a definite improvement. It helps me with my sight alignment--I can't shoot a gun without a bloop tube any more. Now the Anschutz kit has an 11mm rail for use with the standard Anschutz-style small bore rear sights. Q: Some front sights on spaceguns can be set up to angle the front sight. Can you do that with the R5?
ELISEO: The front sight can be rotated, but mine doesn't have index marks so it's not really meant to be canted by itself. On mine, I generally set the front sight level. I set my gun up level to shoot zeros [zeroing the rifle at 100 yards], and then I'll cant the rifle towards me a little bit when I shoot offhand, adjusting the rear end of the gun. When I shoot my sit [sitting stage], I generally cant the rifle away from me a little--that's common, pretty much everyone does that. Again I modify the rear when sitting. I don't have a cant-able front sight per se, in that it doesn't have indexing marks, or witness marks. Q: What do the Eliseo Kit buyers say they like best about your products? ELISEO: I think most of them like the value. Generally what people say is that they appreciate what they're getting for their money. And also people are happy with the accuracy. I haven't had any customer call with concerns about accuracy. The guns all seem to shoot and there are a number of guys who have done real well with them in National, Regionals, and State competitions. John Dink did real well with a B1 at the F-Class Nationals recently, finishing third in F-TR I believe. Q: That's correct. But John did tell us that he'd like to see something developed for the buttstock so it rides better in a rear sandbag. ELISEO: You know it's ironic, this gun was never intended to be an F-Class gun, but John really likes it. One thing that's cool about this kind of rifle is the way that it recoils. Inline stocks tend to recoil differently from conventional stocks with drop. Anyone who shoots an inline stock notices it right away. It's more of a straight, direct push to the rear. There is almost no "upward" element in the recoil. Most of the recoil is straight back. So it might make it when it comes to F-Class, who knows? That one feature--the way an inline stock recoils--may make it attractive. John Dink thinks he can do really well in F-TR, once he gets it all sorted out (meaning come up with a better bag-riding fixture in the rear). Q: The European Bleiker and other 300m/CISM rifles in 6BR and 6x47--they're beautifully engineered but they can cost $5000.00 or more. How are you able to build a rifle that can be competitive with those guns at a fraction of the price? ELISEO: Well, again, I haven't priced my kit based on what the market will bear. My price is based on how much time I have in it. But, you know, I'm a shooter--to me, really, building this thing and making it work was more important that the money I made on it. So--yes you're right, I could price it higher, but that's not my goal. Q: My point was also that you should be very proud of your product. Those European rifles, good as they are, can't touch the R5 in terms of bang for the buck. Plus your rifle may be superior in some ways, because of its versatility and simplicity. ELISEO: Yeah, simple is good. What I've basically done is take what I consider is a really good, sound, simple action, the 700 Remington--how could you go wrong with that--and tweak it just enough to make it feed, extract and eject what I believe is one of the most excellent cartridges there are. Q: You've had some interest in a varmint version of the R5 Repeater. What do you think about that? You know what, I think it's a great idea. I'd like to try it. I'm not a varmint shooter nor a benchrest shooter but I'm more to willing to listen to the experts in those disciplines. The design of my rifle is modular enough to where certain aspects, the fore-end for example, can be easily modified to suit those games. Q: Gary, you make different types of Gun Kits for different disciplines, but you do try to standardize the parts, is that correct?
ELISEO: Yes, we have the B1 (Barnard) kit for long-range prone, and we're developing a new Anschutz system for rimfire. I do try to standardize, mainly to keep costs down. But I don't utilize parts that are inappropriate just to standardize. Each kit has its own exclusive, i.e. proprietary pieces, but where it doesn't have to be unique, for example the hand stops, the adjustable buttplate assembly, cheek-pieces etc., those are interchangeable among all the kits. That keeps cost down for the shooter as he can swap them from one gun to another. Q: That represents excellent value for the buyer too? ELISEO: Yeah, I think I give you your money's worth. Q: How you do compare the R5 with some of the other tube-gun kits on the market? It seems like you include a lot of components with the R5 that cost extra with some other kits. ELISEO: Some of the other kits don't offer any buttstock with the kit. Basically you take the components from an AR15 and use the AR15 buttstock units. Of course with the glue-in kits that are out there you don't get a replacement recoil disk. I don't know if they come with all the screws and fasteners either. And my R5 comes with a handstop that adjusts fore and aft, and it has an extended sight base. If you total all that up it's several hundred dollars worth of stuff that you've got to come up with. Q: What does the future hold for your company, Competition Shooting Stuff? What "top-secret" projects are you working on--can we expect any new products to be released soon? ELISEO: A new stock for the Anschutz model 54 is in the works. Many folks have expressed a great deal of interest in this. And, you know I'm always working on new stuff. But it doesn't all come out of my own head--a lot of it comes from fellow shooters. They come to me with ideas and say "can we do this?" or "let's try that"--so I can't take credit for everything. But I'm going to stay in the game, and hopefully, "upwards and onwards."
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Topics: Eliseo, Competition Shooting Stuff, CSS, Tubegun, Spacegun, 6BR, 6 BR, 6mmBR, Magazine, Aluminum, Anodized, Prone, Highpower, High-power, Sling, iron sights, Lapua, Berger, Sierra, Jewell Trigger, Hand-stop, 4-way Adjustable, Buttstock, sight extension, bloop tube, Free floating, Handguard, Tubb 2000.
