Top Technical Features
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 | Neck-Turning Basics How to turn case necks: Case prep, Mandrel Use, Tool Set-up, and Cutting Technique. by German Salazar |
 | Loading for Long Range. 1000-Yard Ladder Testing and Long-Range Load Development. by Jason Baney |
 | CG Trigger Review. Evaluation of high-quality, adjustable 2-stage match trigger for Target Actions. by German Salazar |
 | Heavy Bullets for LR. Ballistics Analysis Shows Benefits of Shooting Heaviest Bullets in Each Caliber. |
 | Heavy Sand for BR Sandbags, Comparison Test: Weight and Density of Zircon, Chromite, Riverbed, and Play Sand. |
 | 1000-Yd Target CAM Video Camera System displays shots on paper reliably to 1000 yards. Equipment list and Operation Tips. |
 | How to Coat Bullets Step-By-Step method of impact-plating Boron Nitride, Moly, or Tungsten Disulfide on your bullets. Many Photos. |
 | Measuring with OnTarget. Free computer software plots group size, MOA, and distance to aim point. Full review with video demo and user tips. |
 | Reloder 17 Powder Test. Impressive state-of-the-art powder offers 150-200 fps velocity gain over other propellants. Tested in 6XC, 6.5-284, .284 Win, & .308. |
 | Point Bullets for Better BC. Effect of BC Variance at long range, field tests, and review of Whidden Bullet Pointing Die System. |
 | Shooters' Eye Protection. How to select affordable, ANSI-certified Safety Glasses, standard and prescription. New Trivex and SR-91 Lens materials. |
 | Custom Actions Page. Illustrated reviews of custom actions from Barnard, BAT, Borden, Lawton, RPA, Savage, Stiller, Stolle, Surgeon, and more. |
 | Gun Safe Buyers' Guide. Complete safe coverage--locks, specs, fire-proofing, construction, installation, and product reviews. |
 | High-Magnification Target Scopes--Resolution, Eye Relief, Contrast, Tracking. Reviews of Burris, Leupold, Nightforce, Sightron, Weaver and Zeiss. |
 | Premium Spotting Scopes in Review. Danny Reever tests $800-$1300 Optics from Zeiss, Leica, Pentax, Nikon and picks a winner. How to select a tripod. |
 | Laser RangeFinders. Detailed comparison tests of all popular makes including Leica and Swarovski. Field test by hunters and technical commentaries. |
 | Anti-Corrosion Rust Fighter Product Test. Short and long-term salt exposure tests of Breakfree, Eezox, Corrosion-X, FP-10, Militech and more. |
 | Digital Dispenser Tests--RCBS Chargemaster, Lyman 1200, and PACT. Speed and charge-weight accuracy stats. Unit-by-unit scale reviews. |
 | Denver Instrument MXX-123 full test. Single-kernel accuracy demonstrated, and balance beam comparision. |
 | Guide to Reactive Targets, including gongs, poppers, LaRues, self-resetting plates, and ballistic polymer. With Target Cam feature. |
 | Review of Gradient Lens Corp's Hawkeye Borescope System. by Vince Bottomley |
 | Gunstock Buyers' Guide. Photos, specfications, and sources for the best short- and long-range BR stocks, and varmint stocks. |
 | Reading the Wind. USAMU and F-Class Coach Praslick offers expert tips on Wind Reading in competition. by SSG Emil Praslick, III |
 | Guide to Stock Painting. Stock painting and clear-coating from start to finish. Recommended materials and painting gear. by Mike Ricklefs |
 | Fire-Forming 260 Ackley. Complete details on forming 260 AI brass with and without bullets--plus doughnut removal tips. by TechShooter |
 | Case Preparation Guide, from start to finish, for precision shooting. How to sort, trim, turn, uniform. by Jacob Gottfredson |
 | Cartridge Annealing Guide. Explains popular methods of annealing, including BC 1000 automated annealer. by Jim Harris & Ken Light |
 | Cartridge Diagrams Sample 24 popular cartridge designs in 3D illustrations with complete specifications. |
 | QuickLOAD Review and Users' Guide, with power-user tips and feature list. |
 | Ultrasonic Brass Cleaning. Start to finish, "how-to" guide for cartridge brass cleaning using ultrasound. Field test and many photos. by Jason Baney |
 | 6XC Case-Forming Guide. How to form 6XC cases the easy way (without mushrooming) from 22-250 brass. by Larry Medler |
 | Bore-Brushing Pro and Con. Barrel-Makers, Top Shooters and BR Smiths debate how often you should brush (and nylon vs. bronze). |
 | Bore Cleaning Methods and Products. How to use WipeOut and new copper cleaners to save time and clean better. |
 | Balance-beam Powder Scales, Digital Dispensers and the Prometheus--tested for precision and reliability. by Brand Cole |
 | Measuring Neck Walls. How to measure case neck walls with precision. Reviews of neck wall thickness gauges and micrometers.
 | Stress-free Pillar Bedding. How to prepare stock, apply bedding compound, clamp action, and release barreled action. Video clips. by Richard Franklin |
 | Download Free Pejsa or Point Blank ballistics software, or calculate your come-ups with JBM's sophisticated ballistics web page. |
 | Cures for Vertical Stringing. Tips for arranging rests and improving shooting techniques. by Speedy Gonzalez |
 | Turning Necks with Power. Guide to powered neck-turning process with lathe or vertical mill. High-output with uniform results. by Mike Bryant & Dan Lilja. |
 | History and Evolution of Competition Cartridges: 222 Rem, 220 Russian, 6PPC, .308 Win, 30x47, 30-06, 300 Ackley. by Cheechako |
 | Moly Bullet Coating and Barrel Wear. Research report from Norma factory on long-term barrel wear testing. |
 | Bearing Surface Length Sorting using the Tubb Bearing Surface Comparator Tool (BCS). by Larry Medler |
 | Stoney Point OAL Gauge Users' Guide for Cartridge OAL and base to ogive bullet length. |
 | Rem 700 Mag Fix for 6BR. How to modify a Remington magazine to feed the 6mm BR cartridge reliably. by Mike Bryant. |
 | Wind Drift, Distance, and the 'Rule of the Square'. Learn how distance affects bullet windage correction. |
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Topics: Case Prep, Preparation, Neck Sizing, Neck Turning, Reloading, Case Trimming, Re-sizing, Dies, Annealer, Annealing, Brass, Heat Treating, Concentricity, Headspace, Gauge, Bearing Surface, Comparator, Tool, Gunsmithing, 6.5 Grendel, Stoney Point, OAL, Overall Length, Moly, Molybdenum, Danzac, QuickLOAD, Quick LOAD, Ballistic Software, Tubb BSC, Case Diagram, Blueprint, CIP, SAAMI, 3D, Vertical, Benchrest, tuning, Accuracy, Precision, Accurizing.