| Tactical Rimfire Precision match. New, fun, and affordable shooting discipline takes off in Southern California. 10-stage match from 25 to 200 yards provides challenging fun for smallbore shooters. Complete report with stage descriptions, gun gallery, and ballistics tables. |
 | Long-Range Shooting with Jerry Tierney, 1000-Yard Champion and U.S. Palma Team Member. Long-time prone and Palma shooter Jerry Tierney recently jumped into the BR arena, capturing the 2005 NBRSA 1000-yard Championship. Jerry shares his wisdom on wind-reading, reloading for .284 and 6.5-284, and match strategies. |
 | Expert's Guide to the 6.5-284 with John Hoover. John, who shoots with his wife, son, and daughter, is one of the nation's top 6.5-284 shooters. Here he shares his reloading secrets, brass prep procedures, and gun-handling tips. This article has a wealth of info for 6.5-284 shooters. |
 | Top Palma/prone shooter John Whidden explains the techniques that earned him First Place at the U.S. Palma Team Trials. John describes the features of the 10-twist .308 rifle he smithed himself. Tips on precision reloading and home gunsmithing. |
 | Mastering the 600-yard Game. Profile of 2005 IBS 600-yard Shooter of the Year, Terry Brady. Terry explains how he set four World Records with his standard 6BR, including a .861" 5-shot group at 600 yards. Reloading Tips and Interview. |
 | Tactical .260 AI Insights with Terry Cross. Terry has dominated Tactical competition in recent years, shooting his .308 or .260 AI (aka 6.5-08 Ackley Improved). Terry provides an authoritative guide to the .260 AI cartridge, the new Surgeon Action, with tips for Tactical competitors. |
 | Precision shooting and reloading advice from Tactical Shooter Froggy. Lots of great info here for shooters using bipods, or shooting heavy-recoiling calibers. Part II of the article covers advanced reloading techniques. You'll learn a few new tricks--guaranteed. |
 | Guide to 1000-yard shooting and 1K Benchrest Competition. Jason Baney's comprehensive primer on long-range target shooting. Includes a complete guide to 1000-yard hardware plus links to major 1000-yard ranges across the USA. |
 | 6mm BR Varmint Load Data. Comprehensive reloading guide for 50-90gr varmint projectiles, with recommended loads and velocities. Also links to other varmint websites and Factory load manuals. |
 | High-Magnification Target Scopes. Explanations of Resolution, Contrast, Eye Relief, and Exit Pupil size. We review the best target scopes from Bausch & Lomb, Burris, Leupold, Nightforce, Sightron, Weaver and Zeiss. |
 | 6mmBR.com reviews RCBS Chargemaster, Lyman 1200, and PACT digital powder dispensers. With stats on dispensing speed and charge-weight accuracy, this is the most authoritative test of these products on the web. Part I is the test summary, while Part II has complete unit-by-unit field tests (by Froggy) with many photos. |