6mmBR.com First Annual Turkey SHOOT CONTEST!SHOOT to WIN a KRIEGER Barrel, Hodgdon powder, or Sierra Bullets. Top 20 Shooters Go to Prize Drawing!  | First Prize is a $282 certificate for a Match-Grade Krieger Barrel. Total Value is $282. |  | Second Prize is an 8-pound jug of the Hodgdon or IMR powder of your choice. Suggested Retail is $150. |  | Third Prizes (SIX total) will be 100-count boxes of Sierra 6mm bullets. One box to each of six winners. Value up to $22 per box. |
Here's How You Can Win
1. Right-Click on the Target to download .pdf file.
2. Print out the .pdf Target. (You'll need AdobeĀ® ReaderĀ®). Print at 100% size without "Image Scaling". Feel free to print extra copies for your friends if you wish.
3. Shoot the Target at 100 yards. Fifteen (15) shots total.
Three (3) shots at the Big Turkey One (1) shot at EACH of the twelve (12) smaller silhouettes
You can shoot ANY CALIBER up to .338. You can use ANY REST, but no rail guns. Contest closes December 12, 2004.
4. Put your name and e-mail address on the target and mail it to:
JPA Precision, attn. Turkey Shoot Box 704 Lemont, PA 16851-0704
ONLY ONE target may be submitted per contestant. It must be the actual target you shot at, with 100-yard bullet-holes. No photo-copies or digital pictures of the target.
You may print and shoot multiple targets and submit your one best effort. But, you may not combine targets. All shots for score must be on the same one target, and only one target may be submitted per contestant. Any entry determined to have been shot at an improper distance will be disqualified. |
Target Scoring
Only one target may be submitted per contestant. All targets will be scored for accuracy. Hits on the Big Turkey will count 5 to 10 points each, based on scoring rings, for a maximum 3-shot score of 30 points. If a shot hits any part of the Big Turkey, but falls outside the "6" ring, it counts as five points. If a shot touches no part of the Big Turkey it counts as zero. If a target displays more than fifteen (15) bullet holes, it will not be entered in the Prize Drawing. If a shot intended for a small silhouette lands on the Big Turkey, the three best Turkey shots will be counted, and the fourth will be ignored. This will result in a zero score for the fourth shot.
Any hit on the small silhouettes will count 5 points, but you are allowed only ONE SHOT per ANIMAL for each of the twelve (12) small silhouettes. A miss will count zero. If more than one shot hits a single small silhouette the first shot will count 5 points and the other hits (on that animal) will count zero. Total score possible on the small silhouettes is 60.
The maximum score possible for the entire target is 90 points.
Prize Drawing The contestants with the twenty (20) best-scored targets will be entered into a lottery drawing for the prizes. The first name picked in the lottery will win a $282 certificate for a Krieger barrel. The second name picked in the lottery will win an 8-lb jug of Hodgdon or IMR powder of the winner's choice. The next six names picked will each win a certificate good for one (1) 100-bullet box of Sierra 6mm bullets of the winners' choice. In the event a tie-breaker is needed to limit the drawing to 20 contestants, ties will be broken by measured 3-shot group size on the Big Turkey.
Prize Specifications The $282 FIRST PRIZE certificate can be applied to any barrel or contour made by Krieger Barrels. $282 will normally cover Krieger standard contours up to 28" in stainless steel in calibers .224 through .30 cal, and also shipping within the Continental 48 states. The First Prize winner is responsible for extra costs of any special custom work requested and/or shipping outside the 48 states.
The SECOND PRIZE will be an eight-pound commercial container of Hodgdon or IMR Powder of the Second Prize Winner's choosing. Freight and hazmat charge will be paid in the Continental USA only. Other restrictions may apply (see below).
The THIRD PRIZE consists of six (6) certificates, each good for one (1) 100-ct box of Sierra 6mm bullets. One (1) certificate will be awarded to each of the six third-prize winners, one per winner.
Special Rules The contest closes December 12, 2004. All entries must be postmarked no later than December 12, 2004. Winners will be announced on or before December 22, 2004; entries received after that date will not be eligible for the prize drawing. Only one target may be submitted per contestant. You may print and shoot multiple targets. But, you may not combine targets. All shots for score must be on one target, and only one target may be submitted per contestant. The target must be an original with bullet-holes--no photocopies or computer graphic files. Any entry determined to have been shot at an improper distance, or which displays more than 15 bullet-holes will be disqualified. All contestants must be at least 21 years of age, and must not be prohibited by any law from gun ownership or possession of powder. Void where otherwise prohibited by law. No purchase necessary to enter. No powder will be shipped to Los Angeles County, California or any other area with restrictive ordinances. Free powder shipping (including hazmat) will be paid to the Continental USA only. Previous winners of a barrel or powder in a 6mmBr.com contest are not eligible to win another similar prize. But a powder winner can compete for the barrel and bullets while a previous barrel winner can compete for the powder and bullets.

by Cialis