8 posts
Aug 06, 2004
11:53 PM
Since the 107 SMK seems to be the most popular long-range bullet right now, at least in 1:8 twist barrels, what is your favorite recipe?
What seating depth works best and what kind of velocity are you getting?
2 posts
Aug 11, 2004
3:45 PM
I am shooting 107's with 31.0 gr Varget- CCI 450. at 2850 f/s from a 25.5" barrel. I have shot 2- 7" groups at 1000 yds at Hawks Ridge. Mark
1 post
Aug 17, 2004
7:47 PM
I have a 26" douglas 8 twist, with the 107MK and 31.5 VArget I can only get 2791 I would love to get 2850FPS with Varget.
4 posts
Sep 02, 2004
11:04 PM
My load is 31.5 gr of Varget in Lapua brass shooting naked 107 Sierras.The barrel is 30 inches long and has a 0.268 neck.The brass is turned to be 0.267 with the bullet seated and it sits 0.050 in front of the neck shoulder junction and uses 0.003 tension and a 450 CCI primer giving 2970 fps and single digit extreme spreads.Best group is a 50-5X at 0.892 at 600 yards shot by my 70 year old father.His next target had 3 touching and 2 nearly touching but they had nearly 8 inches of horizontal in the group,vertical was less than a inch.He had stopped his group to get a drink and then shot the last two shots. Lynn
43 posts
Sep 11, 2004
5:06 PM
Chet posted this in a new thread on 9/11/04. It was consolidated in this thread by the Moderator:
I just happened to try 32grs of H4350 with the 107Sierra MK and to my surprise it shot excellent at 200yds, I didn't have my chrony today. was wondering if someone can give me an idea of the velocity, 26" barrel 8 twist. my gun just dosen't have an appetite for Varget, I have been using 29.7 H4895 and the groups were around 3/4" at 200 but the H4350 was shooting approx 3/8" anyone been trying H4350 and what charges are about max with the 107MK.
55 posts
Sep 20, 2004
11:10 AM
Another Cross-Post from the Main Message Board. Joe R asks about slower powders for the 107 SMK and CCI 450 combo:
I am thinking about trying a slower burn rate powder than Varget in my 6BR Norma, Lapua cases... I would like to hear your opinions on this... I am at present shooting Varget with CCI-450s & 107s at around 2750 fps...... What have others tried-?? I almost think I may be getting a pressure spike with this combo...?? Just want to try a little slower burn rate with the magnum primers to see what happens.....Thanks and have a good .1"...Tater...
Joe R
5 posts
Sep 20, 2004
1:20 PM
like I allready mentioned in other posts, N150/N550 is working great for me with the 105 scenars and 107 SMK's. 1:8 Lilja 28".....0.060 freebore---> so I can shoot the lighter bullets.
N150 about 2870fps N550 " 2940fps
Used Fed 205 GMM and right now I'm using CCI 450 Mag. and I can see a difference already....Fed's were cratering and a bit flattened where the CCI's showing no signs of pressure at all. So I think I'll stick with the CCI450....
It seems like N140 (think it's a tad faster than Varget) wont work for me..tried different loads but i can't get it accurate....
Hope this helps...