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Best Loads for 6BR 1:14 Twist
Best Loads for 6BR 1:14 Twist
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2 posts
Sep 01, 2004
7:38 PM
I have shot a 14" twist BR for quite some time and it is good to finally see the emergance of a group of folks that realize the winning potential of the 6BR (and 22BR) ...I have felt like the "Man from Maytag" for several years and am now getting a 8" twist bbl. ready to go and hopefully get it shooting as good as the long range (600-1000yd.) shooters are doing..Roger
19 posts
Sep 02, 2004
9:52 PM
Moderator: ReedG posted this in the Gen'l reloading thread and we thought we should add it to this thread about 1:14 barrels:
Thank you for the warm welcome, Mr. Moderator (don't know your name!). I really enjoy this site and can hardly wait to see what the future holds for it.
My gunsmith is Mickey Coleman of Coleman Rifles (they are listed on benchrest.com), a fine Alabama gentleman who I met on BR.com. He has been a tremendous fount of information for me. He put a used Shilen BR barrel on my Savage action, without the barrel nut because the barrel was too large for the nut. These used BR barrels have lost (or never had) the ability to shoot into the "0s", but will shoot great for a long time. My barrel has over 2,000 rounds through it now and will still consistently group in the "3s". Mickey charges a pittance for these barrels plus his usual chambering and installation fee. For less than the price of a blank, you can get a great barrel with a BR quality chamber and installation. Great for us "working guys"!
My most consistently good load for this 6 BR is 34.2-gr. of Varget with a Berger 68-gr. HP and CCI BR4 primers. In my minimum-spec factory chamber with .272" neck this load is so mild that it doesn't even begin to flatten the primer. Never Chrony'd this load, but the same load with 70-gr. Sierras turns 3275 fps. I use Lapua cases, trimmed to 1.56" with the mouth deburred and chamferred lightly, partial neck sized (.180") with a .268" button in Redding "S" dies. I can usually load 5 times before I have to bump the shoulder back to keep the bolt closing smoothly. I don't do anything to the primer pockets except clean them with an RCBS brush during reloading.
Lapua 6 BR cases are as close to perfect as brass gets, in my opinion. I weighed 200 cases last week and the maximum spread from lightest to heaviest was 1.9-gr. On cases that weigh +/- 126 gr. I think that is phenomenal.
Some of my cases are getting a "donut" near the base of the necks, but it is well below where my bullets are seated and at this point doesn't seem to be a problem. My first box of 100 cases has been loaded 18 times. I annealed the necks after 15 loadings, just because I thought I should, but I cannot tell any difference.
Enough rambling for now ... ----- ReedG
gary maciel
1 post
Sep 04, 2004
7:30 AM
Ihave an xp 100 action with a 1-14 twist load is 32gr Vv135 rem7.5primers 68gr moly bergers 20"barrel. soots great out to 300yds. also have nesika bay k action 1_8 twist krieger barrel 28" sootink siera 107 with rem 7.5 primers using 31.5gr of vv140 shooting out to 500 yds, 107 seems to like being seated into lands
38 posts
Sep 10, 2004
11:33 PM
Another cross-post:
George Ulrich asks: Trying a 6br in a unlimited br rifle for first time. Need info on what type of powders and loads and velocity using 68 gr bullets and 14 twist thanks.
4 posts
Sep 16, 2004
9:45 PM
To answer the question about the 14 twist rail gun...I have shot just about all of the common stuff over the years ---started with 322(Scottish) then 3032 then GI-322,tried a blend of 4198/4895 and 4198/322,,now days it is mostly Aussie H-322 and of course N-133 which seems to work best for me...there is no magic charge wt. just go up till you are cratering the primers and the bolt lift is hard and then back down 1/2 a # on your powder measure and make shure that the bullets are jamed .005-.010" so that bbl. wear during the match wont cause some to jump and some to not...My Culver setting (which is aprox. the same with a Harrell measure) is 56-57 clicks of N-133 (aprox. 31gr.) Try that and go from there--I use Fed. 205 or 205M primers and Lapua brass in these later days (used to have to use Rem. brass -it was like aluminum compared to the new Lapua) ...You have to full length size every time with the loads this hot but that is generally where they shoot the best...oops I forgot, use a bushing that is at least .003" smaller than the loaded round...Roger
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