5 posts
Sep 06, 2004
9:27 PM
I did a little testing early on with H4350 in a std 6br and got excellent velocity but so-so accuracy.Anybody out there try it and what were your results? Lynn
30 posts
Sep 07, 2004
9:42 AM
Lynn, I haven't tried H4350 in a 6BR yet, but it is my favorite powder in the 260 Rem (6.5-08) case. The hotter I ran it, the better it shot (with 123gr Scenars), until eventually I got too much casehead expansion. It is very similar to Varget in kernal size, appearance and chemistry, and it's made in the same plant in Australia. It may well be a good choice for the 30" barrels you prefer. Note that I got the best results jumping the bullets .020". Different caliber though...
42 posts
Sep 11, 2004
5:04 PM
Chet posted this on 9/11/04. It was consolidated with this thread by the Moderator:
I just happened to try 32grs of H4350 with the 107 Sierra MK and to my surprise it shot excellent at 200yds, I didn't have my chrony today. was wondering if someone can give me an idea of the velocity, 26" barrel, 8 twist. My gun just dosen't have an appetite for Varget, I have been using 29.7 H4895 and the groups were around 3/4" at 200 but the H4350 was shooting approx 3/8" anyone been trying H4350 and what charges are about max with the 107MK?
6 posts
Sep 14, 2004
5:02 PM
I just got back from the range, I loaded 10 rounds doing the ladder test with H4350 starting at 32 thru 33.8 in 2 tenth increments, velocity started at 2550 and ended at 2717 accuracy was good around 32.4 grs of H4350, I am still looking for a powder to get me around 2850fps with the 107 MK. I have tried 29.7 of H4895 @ 2820 and accuracy is not near H4350 at 100fps slower, are there any other powders that are worth a try to get my velocity up without giving up accuracy, I have tried RL-15 and Varget, gun dosen't like them.
Last Edited by chet on Sep 14, 2004 5:03 PM
Charter Member
7 posts
Sep 30, 2004
7:32 PM
Chet Was 33.8 a max load in your gun? I went all the way to 36 grains as thats all i could get in the case.Did you try N540 yet? Lynn
9 posts
Oct 01, 2004
11:05 AM
Hello Lynn
We just got home from shooting, a friend that went shooting with me just picked up some N540 yesterday to try in his 223 today, he is going to give me some to try, have you tried it and if so what charge and bullet, I can try a few loads of more H4350 with some higher charges than I previously tried.
10 posts
Oct 03, 2004
3:44 PM
well I went up 35grs of H4350 today and the bolt was a little hard to open, but it shot some good groups. sun was too bright for the Chrony to work.
8 posts
Oct 04, 2004
7:45 AM
Chet, when the sun is too bright for your Chrony, put on the regular difusers that come with it and then take a target and close-pin it to the difusers so it lays over the top of the difusers like a roof. Works like a charm in bright sun. ---------- ReedG
Charter Member
13 posts
Oct 10, 2004
11:57 PM
Chet When you get the Chrony reading off that load i think you will find it at or above your 2850fps goal.Let me know what you get. Lynn
11 posts
Oct 13, 2004
3:55 PM
Two of my friends & I have shot a lot of N550 with JLK 90s in our AR15 service & match rifles, with excellent results out to 1000. The same two guys are also having rifles built chambered for the same 6BR Imp. Ubl as mine, and we're all wondering if N550 wouldn't be a pretty good powder with 105-115gr. bullets? It's listed very close to H4350 on the burning rate charts I have, but is more dense, so you wouldn't be likely to run out of case capacity before reaching working pressure.
1 post
Nov 03, 2004
7:19 PM
Lynn You mentioned not getting accuracy out of your H4350 load, but...what was the std deviation or extreme spreads.... Just wondering if you were not in a sweet spot, or if H4350 had to much std deviation across the board. Primer used? I am thinking you were probably using the CCI 450 primer, but I don't know for sure.
Charter Member
28 posts
Nov 04, 2004
4:49 AM
Paul In my early testing i was only using Fed205M primers as i had gotten 25,000 for a real good price.I only did a ladder check at 300 yards using the H4350 but was able to get up to 3100 fps in a 30 inch barrel with naked bullets.I didn't see any clusters or nodes at or above 2900 fps but now think my increments were too large and i likely missed it.I didn't do anymore testing as my next test was done with Varget in smaller increments and the top node was at 2970 fps plus 20 or minus 45 fps.I am now kicking myself as i have another 6BR ready to go and don't have much H4350 data.The new gun is running a 32 inch barrel and my thinking is this gun will really like the H4350.My uncle is shooting a 32 inch barrel 6BR but he is at high altitude and i'm almost at sea level.His load data and mine don't seem to produce similar results even when adjusting for altitude differences.I am looking at a can of H4350 as i type this post and after looking at Chets posts about accuracy and talking to him on the phone a while back think i'll give it another try.If i can get the velocity up i would like to try some of the 115's. Lynn P.S. On the primers i try everything available once i have a decent load worked up and watch the Chrony.
2 posts
Nov 04, 2004
8:40 PM
Lynn Thanks Think I will try to get some data tomorrow with Sierra 107 and possibly 105 A max's & CCI 450 primers.
3 posts
Nov 08, 2004
8:00 PM
Lynn Lynn standard 6 b.r. test& 4350 Tested and chronographed 4350 at 34.5 grs., Lapua cases, CCI 450 primers....heavy Berger bullets.
The load was producing extreme spreads of 80 fps, plus, with my seating depth, powder compression at 34.5 was pushing bullets forward i.e. couldn't seat deep enough. My throat is set up to clear the donut area, but is still not enough.
By comparison, my Varget load of 32.6 and CCI 450 and Amax 105 I tested today, produced a standard deviation of 4, for 8 shots. I have noticed (probably typical) big variations in primer lot numbers so far as SD and ES goes. One lot gave me around 15 SD while another lot dropped it to the 4 noted above. Just thought to mention, DON'T forget to compart primer lots.
14 posts
Nov 08, 2004
8:40 PM
I shoot( std 6mmBR) the Scott 4351 which was advertised to be slightly faster than 4350. My load with 107 or 105 is 32.5 grains with an avg velocity of 2926, Es 20, and Sd 5 for a 10 shot string. I have a note that I only had 20 rounds and the second 10 were avg velocity 2939, Es 21 and Sd 7. All shot with CCI 450 primers.
This data is very close to N550 results in my gun.
I do not know if Scott powders are still available but they were advertised to be cotton nitrocellouse and thus cooler burning. I also use a lot of Scott 4065 which is very close to H4895 in burning rate also.The loads for the Scott 4065 are 29.3 with the 107 or 105. The CCi 450 gave av 2889, es 19,and sd 5. The Fed 205 gave av 2897, es 21, and sd 6. The Russian SR primer gave av 2902,es 23, and sd 6.
Last Edited by RCole on Nov 08, 2004 8:54 PM
Charter Member
30 posts
Nov 10, 2004
8:10 PM
Paul You can get more powder in the case if you use a long drop tube and compress the load with the bullet.I wasn't using a small enough increment but if it stops raining out hre i will run some more tests.
RCole Do you have any data on your powder charges with a 0.1 gr increase in powder weight? The reason i ask is it seems you are right there plus or minus a tenth.In my testing if i get results like Paul did above 80 fps between shots i know i'm not close.Sometimes though this is caused by too big of an increment between loads.In the 6BR the load window with the heavy bullets seems to only be 0.5 gr wide so its easy to miss the optimum load by a tenth on either side.By comparison a 300 Ackley will have a node or sweetspot 2.5 gr wide and is easy to see. Lynn
15 posts
Nov 10, 2004
10:27 PM
The Scott 4351 is a very small grain powder, very similar in size to the N140, and loads very well from my 14 inch drop tube.The 30 inch Shilen Ratchet doesn't hurt the velocity either. I tried 33.0 gr of Scott 4351 and got the following results for 10 shots. For CCI 450, av 2950,es 29, sd 8 For Fed 205, av 2969, es 38, sd 11 For Russian SR, av 2978, es 32, sd 10
I have a note in my 6mmBR chrono data log that I should try 32.7 Scott 4351 with CCI 450. What I am doing is trying to find the sweet spot with this powder and I speculate it is somewhere between 32.5 and 33.0 ( as you correctly point to the narrow window). I also suspect that the velocity will settle in around 2950 when the sweet spot is found, just a gut feeling from numerous sessions with palma guns. I postulate that a velocity of 2950 with the 107 SMK or 105 Scenar will be confidence inspiring on a windy day. When the sweet spot is found in these initial trials, a 20 shot acid test(with weighed and sorted cases) will be run to see if the load will hold a es of less than 20, however this is quite difficult to do and is more of an "crunch" test for the lot of primers. And then I will do it again to make sure it will duplicate, using the same 20 cases and the same "tin" of primers. If it does, then you have "magic". RCole
Last Edited by RCole on Nov 10, 2004 10:42 PM
4 posts
Nov 11, 2004
1:20 AM
Lynn I thought about a long drop tube, but decided for now just to go with Varget....32.7 is giving me 2900 and a SD of 4, some cratering but looks alright.
I thought Scott powders were bought out by another company but if it is available, I would try it. I really liked their 4065....some of my best loads ever for the .308 and 7/08.
5 posts
Nov 11, 2004
1:25 AM
Lynn I thought about a long drop tube, but decided to just stay with the Varget....getting 2900 from 32.7 and a SD of 4, some cratering but looks ok.
I would try Scotts if it were available but I thought they sold their line of powders.... I used to use their 4065 and it produced the best loads ever for the .308 and 7/08.
17 posts
Nov 11, 2004
5:42 PM
I had the Scott powder stocks left over from my .308 XC gun and .30-.338 gun experience. Both powders, 4351 and 4065 were very accurate . When I took the magnum barrel off of the Gilkes and had Mike Bryant install a 6mmBR on it, I was looking at 16 pounds of 4065 and 12 pounds of 4351. I decided to work up loads for the two powders in the 6mmBR and thus far they seem to be acceptable. The Scott powders were manufactured in Scotland. I do not know what became of them or who is selling them today.I suspect I will use up what I have , set back the barrel and shoot N550.
1 post
Nov 13, 2004
2:33 PM
I have recently been working up loads for a 6mm Remington with a 1:8 twist barrel, and utilizing the 115 SMK's. I have tried H4350, H4831SC, & IMR 4831; however my results have been unsuccessful and will not proceed any further. If anyone is interested in purchasing approx. 400 rounds of the 115's, please email me.
Charter Member
39 posts
Nov 15, 2004
2:48 AM
My e-mail address is if you still have the 115 Tubb bullets i would like to get in touch with you. Lynn