1 post
Sep 28, 2004
7:33 AM
Has anybody had good luck with h-322 in their 6br. I have a 1-14 twist barrel and have some 66gr flat base benchrest bullets on the way. I am using h-322 in some other calibers with good success, and would like to be able use the same powder for all.
Thanks, Drew
tony g
1 post
Sep 28, 2004
6:47 PM
I tried it and it didn't, work that well for me. If you think about it you are limiting yourself to almost PPC loads with it. Will try varget this weekend, but at least I will have the case full.....Tony
6 posts
Sep 30, 2004
2:55 PM
H322 is one of my favorite powders, but doesn't seem to like heavier bullets in my 6BR with 1:14 twist. Two loads which I had very good accuracy with are:
55-gr. Sierra BlitzKing - 31.5-gr. H322 - CCI/BR4 - chronys a little over 3,400 fps
65-gr. Berger FB - 30.0 H322 - BR4 - did not chrony this load but have shot 5 into the .200s at 100 yds.
My testing has shown Varget to be the best powder for the BR, though, with bullets of 68-gr. and up in my rifle. ---------- ReedG
tony g
2 posts
Oct 02, 2004
3:56 PM
Well I tried Varget today and definately worked better in my 1:14 twist Hart. This is a used B.R. barrell that I had retapered to a #2 sporter bbl. It shot good with 33.8 gr. of varget and 68 gr. bergers. But decided to try 85 gr. sierra game king as would love to shoot a deer with this gun, well I doubt anyone will believe me but 32.5 of varget shot consistant .300 groups at 100yds. Ran out of time but I think I will try slowing the 68 gr. bergers down to the same velocity as the sierras (3050 fps). This load was after much playing with 322 powder and federal primers. Swithed to CCI BR 4 primers and groups tightened a lot!!! And yes I have a witness. Was not a fluke as swithced back and forth between the two till I was out of shells and the 85 sierras blew the custom made out of the water. I will laugh outloud every time I see someone post that 85 gr. bullets out of a 1:14 twist Hart are on the edge!!Tony