8 posts
Oct 21, 2004
2:47 PM
Being less than an hour away from the vendor, I decided to drive out and pick up my order of 105 Scenars. A great place and super nice people. However, Alice's Texas accent was very unique.
Last Edited by RCole on Oct 24, 2004 11:30 AM
1000yd Editor
22 posts
Oct 22, 2004
8:14 AM
Yep, alice and Bill dont have your average texas accent :D
BTW--i got my 1000scenars as well ;)
7 posts
Oct 24, 2004
8:45 AM
Do they have an e-mail addres? I would like to know if they ship bullets to the Netherlands. Trying to get some 95 Berger VLD over here....seems like a "mission impossible"
86 posts
Oct 24, 2004
9:07 AM
Sorry to say no Bergers are included in the sale inventory. Also I doubt if they could ship bullets easily even if they wanted to. The EU imposes a lot of restrictions on bullet imports. We wanted to send some samples to our friend Jim in the Netherlands, and it turned out to be a problem. You might email Berger though, and find out if they have an agent in your country. Norma also uses Berger bullets in Norma 6BR loaded ammo, so some of the bullets are crossing the Atlantic.
Berger: eberger@bergerbullets.com
8 posts
Oct 24, 2004
9:19 AM
I know Jim and I also know that he has some difficulties to get bullets over here. The problem is that they ask a lot of money for Berger bullets in Europe. A company in Germany asks about $36 for 100 95 Berger VLD...
I'll keep trying...thanks