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HOT DEAL on STEEL--LV SHooter's Reactive Steel Targets: One of our favorite forms of competition is Varmint silhouette (F-Class style) at 500m and 600 yards. It's difficult to see hits on paper at these distances, so we like to use a reactive target during practice sessions. Gongs are good but they're a bit oversized for this kind of work. A smaller-sized self-resetting "popper" target is ideal. LV Shooter offers a quality, durable unit that is just the right size and reasonably priced.
Designed for hard use from centerfire rifles, these spring-loaded targets are made from rugged 1/2" thick Armorcoat 500 steel plate. Spring tension is adjustable and the targets break down for storage and transport. With a fresh coat of white or orange paint, you can see your hits several hundred yards away. LVShooter reports: "We use them in our local rifle matches and have shot thousands of rounds at them and never had one break. They have been tested with .300 Win Mags at 200 yards and did fine." Target #1 is $145.00, #2 is $135.00, and #3 is $120.00 + shipping. To order contact LVshooter at KTBV@cox.net.
Our friend DesertFrog reports: "I've had a #2 target for the last 4 months and it has become the only target I take with me in the desert. On my 6.5x20 I could easily see the hits up to 747 yards. It's easy to take with you and install. A definite MUST if you go shooting outside a range. The quality is awesome."