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Lee reloading products have always represented good "bang for the buck". The Lee Classic Cast "O"-style press is no exception--it works as well as some other presses costing twice as much. This is a well-designed unit with a strong, cast-iron frame. The Lee Classic has two nice features you won't find on a RockChucker. First, the ram is drilled in the center and fitted with a plastic drop tube so spent primers drop right out the bottom (where you position your trash can). Second, the handle adjusts for length. This allows you to change the leverage to suit your task.
Natchez Shooters Supply offers the Lee Classic for $72.99, item LEE90998, and you can sometimes find it on sale for less at other vendors. CLICK HERE to read comments from actual Lee Classic owners. Here are some highlights:
"It has a large, heavy-duty 1-1/8" diameter ram that has been drilled out for spent primers ... and a long clear plastic hose attached to it so you can route it to a trash can. [This is] a VERY well thought-out way to collect ALL primers to your trash can when you're decapping." --D. Oldham

"Fit and finish are impeccable. The spent primer disposal system is simple and neat. There is no spring or flexing of any kind. There is virtually no play in the ram, which is a good tight fit in the frame. Operation is totally smooth." --R. Smith
"Access to the cartridge is a little better than the RCBS because you don't have the priming fixture in the line of sight between you and your work." --L. Dickison
"I like...the position of the ram at priming. The Lee seats the primer with the ram at the bottom of the stroke vs. the RC II, which seats in the middle of the stroke. Priming at the bottom of the stroke gives you a much better 'feel' of the primer seating." --M. Gallagher
"Totally outclasses any other press in its price range. Runs with presses in the $100-$120 range."--W. Rose